Tuesday, January 27, 2015

GMail Keyboard Shortcuts

Using Keyboard shortcuts on Gmail will help you save Time you don’t need to take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. If you want to view the Gmail keyboard Shortcuts list press? On your keyboard. Before using keyboard shortcuts you need to turn on the keyboard shortcuts from Gmail settings. Some keyboard shortcuts will be always turned on.

How to Enable keyboard Shortcuts on Gmail

Click the Gear icon and select Settings.

Find Keyboard Shortcuts and Select Keyboard shortcuts on

Save Changes

GMail Keyboard Shortcuts

Gmail Keyboard Shortcuts that always turned on

You can view and compose your mail by using arrow keys, move your cursor to the compose button using arrow key and press Enter this will create a new Compos mail Window.

While viewing a Email use N and P for viewing Next and Previous Emails.

After composing a Message Press Ctrl + Enter to send Email

While chatting or Composing Email Press Ctrl + .to move the next compose windows or chat Window. Use Ctrl + , for moving Previous

To add a new Cc recipient press Ctrl + Shift + C

To add a new Bcc Recipients press Ctrl + Shift + b

Keyboard Shortcuts that Needed to Turn on

To compose a new message press C on your keyboard, press Shift + C for Compose a Message in new Window

d for composing a new email in new tap

To choose the Search press / on your Keyboard

In Conversation View, move the cursor to the New Message and Press Enter to expand or collapse an Email

If you hit ` on keyboard gmail will take you to Next inbox section

Hit ~ for previous inbox Section

You can open a Conversation by Pressing O or Enter on your Keyboard

While reading a Email Press u to return to Gmail inbox

Hit e to archive a conversation

To mark a Email select the email using Arrow keys and hit x to mark

You can add and remove a star to an Email press s

To mark a Email as important Press + on your Keyboard

Hitting + will mark an Email as Important to remove the important tag press

To mark a mail as Spam use !

r for Replay

a for Replay all

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