Saturday, March 21, 2015

Top 5 Tips to Protect your Dropbox Files

Dropbox is the most popular Cloud Service. Many users use Dropbox to store Personal and Professional files. You might have some sensitive information on your account, if it falls into wrong hands it will cost you many troubles, follow these Tips to protect your files against unauthorized access.
Log out of devices when not in use 

80% Dropbox users use Dropbox on their Workstations. Log out of Applications when your Device is not used, but you may often walk away from your computer or Phone or tablet. If Dropbox is activated in your Computer or phone and you leave it unattended if your device gets into someone’s hand they can access all of your data. 

Using Dropbox Web Session Tool you can end unattended session from anywhere. For example if you left your Dropbox Account Open on Work you can log out from your home or your mobile Phone. Open Dropbox Settings Page and choose security tab, you can view your most Recent Sessions, find your Workstation Session and Select End Session. 

If you lost your Device or no longer use the device you need to make sure that someone can’t log back to your do that in Settings page open Security Tab, Scroll Down to the My Devices Section you can view your Devices and Unlink the Computers, Tablets, Phones that you no longer use. 

Top 5 Tips to Protect your Dropbox Files

Delete unwanted files and folders

Most of the Dropbox users Save both Professional and Personal files on Dropbox. They don’t clean out unused files in their Dropbox. Unused files in your Dropbox may now be irrelevant and could become Problem if Delete files and folders that you don’t want to use in Future.

Read: How to Send Youtube Videos to Dropbox

Enable Email Notifications

Dropbox will send Notifications to your Email Whenever your account has new Activity .if a New Device is Connected to your Account and if a new app is Added to your account .to Enable Email notifications Open Dropbox Settings page and Select Profile tab then tick “A new device is linked to my dropbox” and “A new App is connected to my Dropbox”.

Enable Two Step Verification

Don’t Us Simple Passwords and don’t use the Same Password on all of your Accounts. Enabling two step Verification is the best way to protect your Account from two step Verification Dropbox send you a Security code to your Mobile to make sure you are who you say you are.

To Enable Two step Verification Open Dropbox Settings Page and select Security tab and click “Enable” under Two step verification, then a small box pop up Select Get Started > Enter your password and click Next > Dropbox will ask you How would you like to receive your security codes? Choose “Use text messages” > Enter you mobile number and click next you will receive Security Code in you mobile enter the Security code and click next if you have backup mobile number enter it and click next >Now Choose Enable two Step Verification.

Encrypt Dropbox

You can Encrypt your Dropbox files to Protect them, you can encrypt any file saved in your dropbox account. The user will need encryption password to access the encrypted files, without the encryption password you will only see random data.

Dropbox doesn’t offer any option to encrypt the files, but you can do it yourself in several ways. You can create TrueCrypt Volume and save it in your Dropbox account. Or you can use Apps like Boxcryptor.

if you follow these steps your account will always safe even if it hacked the hacker get nothing.

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