Friday, May 22, 2015

Microsoft Guesses How Old You Look

Two Weeks Ago Microsoft Launched a Website called On users upload their Photos and the site Guess their Age based on the Photo. The results might not accurate at all times and sometimes accurate.

Microsoft used their Face API (which is used to detect faces in Photos) to create the Site i uploaded two Photos of myself that was taken 1 year the first photo the Website Guessed I was 26 (not even Close).in the Second Photo it Predicted all the way to 29. Both guesses are not Accurate at All but it is a good way to get some laugh.

I tried some celebrities Photos – though it is always hard to guess how old they are. Most Photos got accurate results. I think Photos with Good Lighting get Accurate Results.

Microsoft Guesses How Old You Look

Microsoft made this site as demo for its Azure Services and the company Developers used its Face detection Algorithm from their Project Oxford to create this site. was developed in One day by couple of Microsoft’s Developers.

Microsoft Guesses How Old You Look says We don't keep the Uploaded photos however the terms of service are little different. The terms of service page had a note under “Materials Posted On this Website” which is confusing.

What that Terms of Service Page States is by Uploading or Posting your Contents, you are giving Microsoft and its Partners rights to use your content. This includes distributing, copying, etc. simply by Uploading your Photos you grant Microsoft Permission to use your Pictures.

The website states that the Pictures uploaded in is not stored anywhere. However they still has rights to use them.

So if you are going to try it is good to Avoid your Personal Photos .it is best to Use some of your random selfies to let the site Predict your Age. For More fun use some fictional characters Images.

Microsoft Guesses How Old You Look

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