Friday, April 3, 2015

How To Rename multiple files at Once in Windows

Microsoft Windows Operating System offers different options to rename multiple files at once, you can rename a file using Command prompt, Windows Explorer, and Power Shell.

Renaming multiple files with Windows Explorer is Easy and fast, however it lacks in flexibility. PowerShell is flexible but it is complicated you need to use commands to rename files in PowerShell.

How to Rename Multiple Files Using Windows Explorer

Windows Explorer has a built in way to rename multiple files .most of us don’t know it yet it’s well hidden.

First Choose the files which you want to rename. Then Place the Files inside a folder. Now sort your files in the order how you would like. Remember windows Explorer will rename the files starting from the top of the list.

How To Rename multiple files at Once in Windows

Select all the files by Pressing Control + A or click and Drag your mouse ,right click on the First file and click rename. Now Type File Name and Press Enter.

Windows Explorer will change the Base Name and add number after file name. This method is Simple and fast. You can clean your messy Names in a short time.

How To Rename multiple files at Once in Windows

How to rename Multiple Files Extensions with Command Prompt

With a simple Command you can rename multiple files at Once in Command Prompt. There is an Easy way to Open Command Prompt, Hold Shift and Right Click in a folder and Select Command Windows will open the Command Prompt window.

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Windows Command Prompt most used to change all files Extension at once. You can use simple rename or ren command to rename. Use the following command to rename html files to txt files

ren * .html * .txt

Other File Extension Examples

ren * .png * .jpeg

ren * .docx * .txt

The command Prompt Option is not Powerful, though it can be included into more Complicated Scripts.

How to Rename multiple files using PowerShell

PowerShell is more flexible for renaming multiple files. With PowerShell, you can combine the output of one command known as a commandlet in PowerShell terms to another command.

PowerShell need two commands to rename files one is Dir this one lists the files in the current directory. And the second command is Rename-item this will rename a file and connect the Output of dir to rename-item.

To Open PowerShell Search for PowerShell in Start Screen(Windows8,) or Start (windows7).you will see windows PowerShell click to launch first you need to enter the folder directory that contain your files. remember you have to put all the files inside same folder.

In PowerShell Enter cd following that paste your folder location for example:

cd “C:\Users\Leonardo\Desktop\scar” Hit Enter.

Now Paste the Following Command

Dir | Rename-Item –NewName { $ –replace “ “,”_” }

Replacing the “ “ and “_” parts of the command will replace other characters in file names.

For more Advanced Rename Options Visit Microsoft Documentation Library.

Third Party Rename Applications

There are some good Powerful third party apps Available for renaming multiple files. You can rename files without commands. Using Bulk Rename Tool you can rename multiple files at once without writing any commands.

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Install Bulk Rename Tool and Launch it .Browse and select a folder, make some changes in the panels and it will show you a Preview of your changes. For example Bulk rename tool has Panel for Auto Date, Add name, Remove name, Number, replace. If you want to replace a name you can replace a word with other word in replace panel, if you want to add number you can add numbers after name in the Number panel. Finally Select Rename to confirm your changes and Rename the files.

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