Friday, April 17, 2015

a Quick Guide to Google inbox

Inbox is a new Email Service by Google. The design of Google Inbox is clean and simple. Inbox is meant to present your Emails in a different way. Google Inbox User Interface is not immediately intuitive, but once you get the hang of it, Inbox will become a most important tool in your life.

Inbox is currently not available for everyone. You have to get Invite from google to use Inbox. You can request an Email invite by yourself.


In Gmail, our emails are listed by their Subject headings. Inbox show the emails in a different the web version of inbox Bundles, Email threads, and uncategorized emails are shown as Horizontal bars. You can see Senders name or Email Address in the Horizontal bar of a Bundle.

a Quick Guide to Google inbox

If an Email has Attachments it will be Visible as a large icon, tapping or clicking the icons of PDF files, office files or Google Drive files will load them into the file viewer. You can View your Attachments without Opening the Email. You can even download the Attachments without Opening the message.


Gmail has Options to create a customized label for emails based on things like Sender name, Email Address, Subject, or Specific keywords in their Message. However, Gmail web version doesn’t have options to set the labels as tabs along with the categories included by default in Gmail. In Inbox, you can create your own Bundle and you can set your custom bundle to appear in the Timeline.

Inbox Bundles

Gmail analyzes the contents of our incoming emails and sort them into categories by default four categories (Updates, Primary, Social, Promotions) are there. You can activate the fifth category forums in Gmail Settings. 

a Quick Guide to Google inbox

Google inbox also offer the Feature in inbox it is known as Bundles. Inbox sort the emails into several more categories such as Purchases, Finance, Travel, Social, Promos, Updates, and Forums. 

Inbox Timeline

In Gmail Web version, each email categories are presented as tabs. Mobile version also has tabs you have to tap the 3-bar icon or swipe in to view the Categories in Inbox mobile version and Web version bundles and incoming Emails are well-arranged in a vertical Timeline view. And the bundles order will change based on the most recent incoming Email.

a Quick Guide to Google inbox Timeline

Highlighting Emails

In Gmail, if you mark an email to Archive it will be removed from Gmail inbox and stored for later use. You can view the Archived emails in all mail. Gmail also has a feature that allow users to mark important Emails with a Star.

In Inbox Google modified Gmail Archive and Star functionalities into different features. You can mark emails as Done by clicking/tapping the check icon in the horizontal bar. You can also mark a bundle to sweep them. You can find Bundles and emails that marked as done inside the done label in Timeline.

Snooze Reminders

if you’re in inconvenient place or simply need to focus on something else first, you can snooze your emails and reminders away to a time that you are comfortable for reading email.

a Quick Guide to Google inbox Snooze Emails

For example if you run into a busy day ,and you still want to reply to your emails before end of the day or end of the week .with inbox snooze option you can snooze your emails to a different time or a place. Inbox responds to your settings and adjusts its snooze options to match

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