Monday, February 23, 2015

How Google Search Engine Works

Did you ever think about what happens when you do a Google search. The first thing you need understand is that when you search for something in Google, you aren't actually searching the web, you're searching Google's index of the web. Google index Webpages with software programs called spiders. Spiders start by fetching a few Websites then they follow the links on those pages and get the pages they point to, and follow all the links on those web pages and fetch the pages they link to and so on, until Google index almost every web pages exist in the internet. They store billions of pages across thousands of machines.

If you want to know how to learn Programming. You type in the Google Search box how to learn Programming and hit Enter. Google’s software searches the index to find every page that includes those search words. In this case, there are hundreds of thousands of possible results. Now Google will decide which few documents will really helpful for you. By asking questions like, how many times does this page contain your keywords. And is the keywords appear in the title, in the website URL, Does the page include synonyms for those keywords, is this page from a quality website or is it low quality, what is this page's PageRank.

How Google Search Engine Works

Google PageRank is a method(Algorithm) invented by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that rates a web page's importance by looking at how many outside links point to it, and how important those links are. Finally, Google combine all those factors together to produce each page's overall score and send you back your search results about half a second after you submit your search.

At Google, they take their commitment to delivering useful and fair search results for every users. You can’t pay them to add a site to Google’s index, Google update index more often or improve its ranking. Let's take a look at your search results. Each entry includes a title, a URL and a snippet of text to will help you to decide whether the page is what you are looking for. You will also related searches that you might want to try next.

Sometimes, along the right and at the top, google show ads. Google advertising business is their Primary income Source and they deliver the best possible audience for advertisers and attempt to show ads that you really want to see. They are very careful to distinguish the ads from regular search results and Google won't show you any ads at all if they can't find any think will help you find the information you're looking this case, How to learn Programming is websites and Schools that teach you Programming.

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