Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Get discovered on Google Play search

Application Tittle

According to Google putting the main Keyword in your App tittle help your app to improve Position in search results. Google also recommend to include your app name on the app icon however I don’t like the idea I guess it’s not good thing to have words on Application icon and I never tried it.in my experience app name contain main keyword will definitely improve your apps organic Downloads.

Your app tittle should be unique don’t use common terms. Keep your tittle focused don’t use more than 3 words longer tittle may truncated depending on the device the user browsing.

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How to Get discovered on Google Play search

App Description

In Apple app store the app description is not searchable.in Google Play App description plays a major role. If you want more users to find your app you need to repeat your keyword more than 5 Times. Follow google play’s Content Policies. Impress the users with a one line description of your app.

App Screenshots

Most users judge your app by the Screen shots and App trailer.so you need to have eye catching Screenshots to convince users to download your app.

App Demo Video or Trailer

Google play allow you to add a YouTube Video to promote your App. use this opportunity to show what your app can do. If a app has video in google play app page the user will get the idea about the application.

App Reviews

App ratings are very important, ratings are part of the Search and Rank system(Google Play Algorithm).Do everything to get a Positive review for your application.

Google Play Store Algorithm

Playstore algorithm use these facts to decide an apps worth.

1. How many users have rated and reviewed the App

2. Apps rating points, more than 3 is good

3. How many times the app has been downloaded

4. The growth of app download over last 30 days

5. How many users uninstalls the app

Get discovered on Google Play search

Read: 10 Best Android Games of 2014

App Usage Frequency

Make an app that users love to spend their time with. If users use your app on regular basis your app will get more downloads.

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