Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Use Google Drive offline

One of the best thing about Google Drive is the ability to work and edit files offline. This comes in handy when you don’t have internet access. This feature is very useful for me while travelling.

In order to use Google Drive Offline you need to use Google Chrome Browser. If you are planning to enable Google Drive offline Access on your Desktop and Laptop, you have to set it up on Each systems. You can also use Google Drive Offline in other chrome devices.

If you use multiple Google Accounts use one account per Chrome profile. Google Drive offline Access support multiple user profile on the same Computer. But each user need to log in with different Chrome user profile.

How to Use Google Drive offline Access

How to Enable Google Drive offline Access

Google Drive Settings allow you to manually turn on and turn off Offline Access for Drive, Slides, Docs, and Sheets.

1. Open Google Chrome and Open Google Drive and sign in to your Drive Account.

2. Open Drive Settings menu located in Upper right.

3. in offline section check the box next to “Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drawings file to this computer so you can edit offline ”. Now your Drive Folders will automatically be synced so that you can view and Edit the files without internet.

4. Uncheck that box to turn off Offline Access.

Read: 10 Google Products You Did't know Existed

Enable Offline Access for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

1. Open Google chrome and Visit Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, any one of them.

2. Click the Menu icon

3. Choose Settings

4. Under Offline Sync click on Turn on Offline Sync and Enable offline Access.

5. If you want to turn off you can turn off offline access on the same page

Enable Offline Access only on your personal Computer or Systems that you use regularly. If you enable Google Drive offline Access on shared or public Computers other may able to view and Sync you files .so this will put your Files at Risk.

How to Set up Google Drive offline Access

How to Access Google Drive Offline in Chrome

To enable Drive offline access in chrome. Open Google Chrome if you are not signed in with chrome sign in to Opening the chrome Settings Page or Go to Menu > choose Sign in to Chrome follow the instruction on the sing in page.

Open Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, or Slides. Drive offline Access will turn on spontaneously. Turn off your internet Connection. Open a file now you can edit or view your file without internet Connection.

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