Saturday, February 28, 2015

Best Photo Editing Apps for Android 2015

Most of us use Smartphone to capture our life moments. And our Photos need some Enhancements to look Enhance your Photos you need image editing Tools, Android market is the Place to Find Best image editing tools. Here is the list for Best Photo Editing Apps for Android.

Adobe Photoshop Express 2.0

Photoshop is one of the Most Popular image Editing Software in Desktop computers. Photoshop Express is svelte app it has some Powerful tools to create Best Effects for your mobile has filter like instagram and also it allow you to make fine grain adjustments to your images. The interface is simple and easy to use.

PicsArt Photo Studio

PicsArt is one of the Best image editing App for Android. It may seems like clone of instagram but it has tons of Effects, layer controls, collages, and Tools for Drawing. PicsArt can Contend with Photoshop, if you are looking for an new Image Editing App Try PicsArt it will take your mobile Snaps to the next level.

Best Photo Editing Apps for Android 2015


Flickr is an Image hosting service. The best thing about Flickr is it offers every users free 1TB Storage. You can upload and share your Smartphone Snaps. flickr’s lovely interface has tools for Photo and video Editing. Most of all Flickr will automatically backup your photos.

Read: How to Copy Emails From old Gmail to New Gmail Account


If you bored of using Instagram try Snapseed it offers more controls than Instagram. This application is the combine of Full Fledged image Editor(Photoshop) and Filter App (Instagram).it comes with lot of useful tools to enhance your image. Snapseed tools lets you to control how Filters and Effects Applied to your Photos. Try to filter an image with both instagram and Snapseed and see the difference.

Best Photo Editing Apps for Android 2015 SnapSeed

Autodesk Pixlr

Autodesk Pixlr is a Photo Editing lets you to create beautiful image collages, it offers more than 600 Effects and over 2 million combination of free Effects. Pixlr help you to Edit Photos like a Pro even if you never used an Image Editing App.


The most popular image editing Software Available for Android. I bet many users will fall in love with instagram after using it for the First Time. This is a Simple way to capture and share your moments. instagram allow you to enhance your Photos or art works and share it with your Friends and Family. Over 300 million peoples use Instagram if you are not an instagramer become one of them now.

Friday, February 27, 2015

How to Download APK Files From Google Play to PC

Downloading an Application or game from Google play is Easy in your Android Device, just search the app name and press install button on app page. If you own more than one Android Device like Android Phone and Tablet. You need to install an app one after the will be time consuming and Data loss. Even if you use Wi-Fi you should backup your Apps.

There are many Apps available in Google play that lets you to Backup Installed Apps on a Device and store it on Micro SD card. But installing an App without Google Play on a Device is a Long Website called Downloader APK that help you to download an Android App without Google play.

Online APK Downloader is easy to use it will download an APK file in Download an APK file all you need is an Applications Package name (e.g: com.leopixel.boxjump1) .

How to Download APK From Google Play to PC

How to Download APK files from Google play store to pc

1. Go To website

2. Find an App in Google Play and copy its package name.

3. Paste the package Name in the text box and hit “Generate Download link”.

4. a Page will Open with the description of the app.

5. Scroll down to the bottom and Hit Download.

6. A new page will open and Your App will start to download in Few Seconds.

Now all you need to do is Transfer the APK file from your Computer to Android Device and install it.

How to Download APK From Google Play to PC

Why you Need APK Downloader

# Create a APK Backup for your apps

# install and Share an Application with multiple Android Phones

# You can experiment with Apps

# Sometimes Updated version doesn’t work like the old one .when you have back up for an old version you can install the old version.

# if you Factory reset your Device you can install your apps without Downloading one more time.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Use Google Drive offline

One of the best thing about Google Drive is the ability to work and edit files offline. This comes in handy when you don’t have internet access. This feature is very useful for me while travelling.

In order to use Google Drive Offline you need to use Google Chrome Browser. If you are planning to enable Google Drive offline Access on your Desktop and Laptop, you have to set it up on Each systems. You can also use Google Drive Offline in other chrome devices.

If you use multiple Google Accounts use one account per Chrome profile. Google Drive offline Access support multiple user profile on the same Computer. But each user need to log in with different Chrome user profile.

How to Use Google Drive offline Access

How to Enable Google Drive offline Access

Google Drive Settings allow you to manually turn on and turn off Offline Access for Drive, Slides, Docs, and Sheets.

1. Open Google Chrome and Open Google Drive and sign in to your Drive Account.

2. Open Drive Settings menu located in Upper right.

3. in offline section check the box next to “Sync Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and Drawings file to this computer so you can edit offline ”. Now your Drive Folders will automatically be synced so that you can view and Edit the files without internet.

4. Uncheck that box to turn off Offline Access.

Read: 10 Google Products You Did't know Existed

Enable Offline Access for Google Docs, Sheets and Slides

1. Open Google chrome and Visit Google Docs, Slides, Sheets, any one of them.

2. Click the Menu icon

3. Choose Settings

4. Under Offline Sync click on Turn on Offline Sync and Enable offline Access.

5. If you want to turn off you can turn off offline access on the same page

Enable Offline Access only on your personal Computer or Systems that you use regularly. If you enable Google Drive offline Access on shared or public Computers other may able to view and Sync you files .so this will put your Files at Risk.

How to Set up Google Drive offline Access

How to Access Google Drive Offline in Chrome

To enable Drive offline access in chrome. Open Google Chrome if you are not signed in with chrome sign in to Opening the chrome Settings Page or Go to Menu > choose Sign in to Chrome follow the instruction on the sing in page.

Open Google Drive, Sheets, Docs, or Slides. Drive offline Access will turn on spontaneously. Turn off your internet Connection. Open a file now you can edit or view your file without internet Connection.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Best Ways to Learn Programming for Beginners

Every day is becoming a fundamental digital literacy. Coding is not an easy thing to learn that why its valuable .Programming teach you to solve problem in real word and Digital World. In many ways you can Learn to code. Here is the list of best way to learn to code.

Sign Up for a Coding Course

There are many online courses available for Programming mostly online programming courses focus on one language so it’s easy for beginners to learn to code. These courses teach you college level education you can learn fundamental skills of coding. You can try Harvard’s CS50 Free course and there are many other.

10 Best Ways to Learn Programming for Beginners

Read Free Programming Books

Programming Books come in handy when you stuck on some problem. If you want to know something or got stuck on a problem refer a Book. More than 500 Free Programming books available online. These books available at Github and. there are many books available for Popular Programming Languages like C#, Java, C++, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHP, Pearl and more.

Free Programming Books

Play Coding Games

Learning to Code by playing games is the best way. Plenty of websites teach Programming by video tutorials. Some website teach Code by building simple or complex games by yourself. But some sites are literally games Code Racer, CodinGame and Code Combat tech you to code by playing games.

Learn to Code by Playing games

Find a Mentor

There are many Programmers out there willing to help the next Generation programmers. Hack Pledge is a Community of Developers helping each other’s to master Programming. Find a mentor and learn from them. You can also sign up to mentor if you teach what you know can help you to retrain your Knowledge.

Analyze other Programmers Code

If you analyze and Test someone else code you will get understanding of the big line of Codes and you will know how it Works. There are millions of Open Source codes available on Internet. You can learn anything and keep learning through testing the codes. If you improve the Program with your skill share it with other programmers.

10 Best Ways to Learn Programming for Beginners

Free Online Training Sites

Learning code through online is a good starting point. There are many websites like Codecademy, Code Avengers, offer free Online Training. Write your First Code using these websites Tutorials,, Codecademy, Khan Academy and code Avengers help you to understand the basics of Programming by creating a Website, Game and other Code Project. These sites doesn’t Go deep in Programming you need to continue your learning with other sources.

10 Best Ways to Learn Programming for Beginners

Use Scratch

Scratch is an Application that help kids to Learn Code. Even kids are learning to programming these Days. Many programs available for teaching kids to code they are every simple and easy to understand. Scratch is the best among other programs and its suits for everyone. If you find it hard to learn to code you should try Scratch it will teach you the Basics of Programming.

Start Small

It doesn’t matter which programming language or teaching Method you choose. Always start from beginning. While learning through online training (e.g:codecademy) delete all the tutorial code and start the code from scratch. Start with basic codes and wait as you progress. I listed many methods here if one method is not working for you try another method.

Choosing the right Programming Language

There are many Popular programming languages available. If you learned one it’s easy to learn another don’t choose anything very hard .some of the Programming languages are more beginner friendly than other my Experience Python, JavaScript and C++ are more beginner friendly than others and they are high level Coding Languages.

Why you want to Learn to Code

Before start learning to code you need to know the answer for why you want to learn Programming. If you want to be a Professional Programmer and want to work in Silicon Valley signing up for a college course is the best option. If you want to build websites or Games online tutorials and Books are good.
Read: History of Popular Programming Languages 

In the comments Share how you learned to code.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Get discovered on Google Play search

Application Tittle

According to Google putting the main Keyword in your App tittle help your app to improve Position in search results. Google also recommend to include your app name on the app icon however I don’t like the idea I guess it’s not good thing to have words on Application icon and I never tried my experience app name contain main keyword will definitely improve your apps organic Downloads.

Your app tittle should be unique don’t use common terms. Keep your tittle focused don’t use more than 3 words longer tittle may truncated depending on the device the user browsing.

Download My Game Box Jump for Android

How to Get discovered on Google Play search

App Description

In Apple app store the app description is not Google Play App description plays a major role. If you want more users to find your app you need to repeat your keyword more than 5 Times. Follow google play’s Content Policies. Impress the users with a one line description of your app.

App Screenshots

Most users judge your app by the Screen shots and App you need to have eye catching Screenshots to convince users to download your app.

App Demo Video or Trailer

Google play allow you to add a YouTube Video to promote your App. use this opportunity to show what your app can do. If a app has video in google play app page the user will get the idea about the application.

App Reviews

App ratings are very important, ratings are part of the Search and Rank system(Google Play Algorithm).Do everything to get a Positive review for your application.

Google Play Store Algorithm

Playstore algorithm use these facts to decide an apps worth.

1. How many users have rated and reviewed the App

2. Apps rating points, more than 3 is good

3. How many times the app has been downloaded

4. The growth of app download over last 30 days

5. How many users uninstalls the app

Get discovered on Google Play search

Read: 10 Best Android Games of 2014

App Usage Frequency

Make an app that users love to spend their time with. If users use your app on regular basis your app will get more downloads.

Monday, February 23, 2015

How Google Search Engine Works

Did you ever think about what happens when you do a Google search. The first thing you need understand is that when you search for something in Google, you aren't actually searching the web, you're searching Google's index of the web. Google index Webpages with software programs called spiders. Spiders start by fetching a few Websites then they follow the links on those pages and get the pages they point to, and follow all the links on those web pages and fetch the pages they link to and so on, until Google index almost every web pages exist in the internet. They store billions of pages across thousands of machines.

If you want to know how to learn Programming. You type in the Google Search box how to learn Programming and hit Enter. Google’s software searches the index to find every page that includes those search words. In this case, there are hundreds of thousands of possible results. Now Google will decide which few documents will really helpful for you. By asking questions like, how many times does this page contain your keywords. And is the keywords appear in the title, in the website URL, Does the page include synonyms for those keywords, is this page from a quality website or is it low quality, what is this page's PageRank.

How Google Search Engine Works

Google PageRank is a method(Algorithm) invented by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin that rates a web page's importance by looking at how many outside links point to it, and how important those links are. Finally, Google combine all those factors together to produce each page's overall score and send you back your search results about half a second after you submit your search.

At Google, they take their commitment to delivering useful and fair search results for every users. You can’t pay them to add a site to Google’s index, Google update index more often or improve its ranking. Let's take a look at your search results. Each entry includes a title, a URL and a snippet of text to will help you to decide whether the page is what you are looking for. You will also related searches that you might want to try next.

Sometimes, along the right and at the top, google show ads. Google advertising business is their Primary income Source and they deliver the best possible audience for advertisers and attempt to show ads that you really want to see. They are very careful to distinguish the ads from regular search results and Google won't show you any ads at all if they can't find any think will help you find the information you're looking this case, How to learn Programming is websites and Schools that teach you Programming.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

How to Create a Theme for Google Chrome

Chrome Web store have wide range of themes. Chrome themes change your chrome browsers Default background image, and custom color for new tab pages. The best thing about google Chrome themes is you can create your own theme. Google’s official App My chrome theme allow you to create your own theme for chrome browser.

My Chrome Theme App is easy to use you can create a theme in Few allow you to customize background image and new tab’s color scheme. You can also share your themes.

How to Create Theme for Chrome

Before starting you need to download my Chrome theme from Google click this LINK and Install My Chrome theme form webstore. Now open my Chrome Theme from chrome apps.

How to Create a Theme for Google Chrome


First you need to upload a Background image for your theme. You can upload a background image from your Computer or your Webcam. Choose a high Quality Wallpaper image,1600 x 900 resolution images works good. Once you uploaded the image you can adjust the position of the image and you can add effects to your image. Once the image customization Process is done click on continue to step 2.

How to Create a cool Theme for Google Chrome


On Step two you are going to add colors to toolbar, background tab color, and frame color. Click on the small brush icon a small window will pop up pick a color from available color. If you find it hard to match the color with your background image color you can use Google’s Famous I am Feeling lucky option. Click on I am feeling lucky button it will automatically select some colors. The colors will automatically try to match the new tab background image. And continue to step 3.

How to Create a Theme for Google Chrome for Free

You are almost done. Give a Suitable name for your theme. And click on “Make my theme”. And your theme will be generated. Press install my theme button to install your theme on Chrome. You can also share it via email, Facebook, Google + or anywhere .you can also download your theme as a Zip file and use it in future.

How to Create a Theme for Google Chrome in 2 minutes

Friday, February 20, 2015

14 Best Productivity Apps for Android And iOS

We keep our Smartphones Everywhere we go. Smartphone are Powerful Tool we can use them as Personal Assistants and Productivity Utilities. Here is the List of to do Lists and Time management apps to Boost Your Productivity.

Google Keep

Google Keep is a Note taking help you to quickly capture what’s on your mind and remember at the right is similar to Evernote you can create Voice note, Checklist (to do list).Every notes and list you create instantly sync on your Computer,Tablet and Mobile.


Evernote Allow you to take notes, collect images and webpages, Create Voice memos and handwritten notes. And it offers Features like to do List, Reminders, and Wish List. You can sync your notes and notebooks from your Phone to Your PC and any other Devices, it has clean and Simple UI that lets you to manage and organize your notes wonderfully.

14 Best Productivity Apps for Android And iOS


This is a Cross platform to do list Manager with multiple customization options. Wunderlist available on multiple Devices like Desktop, Mobile and Tablet. wunderlist have an user-friendly interface so it’s simple and easy to use. wunderlist available in 2 versions free and Pro. Pro version feature collaboration tools and commenting options.

14 Best Productivity Apps for Android And iOS  Wunder List

Any.Do is a classy task manager with date, time and Reminders. allow the users to set alert and reminder for daily tasks. You can view tasks by category or task due date. It features autocomplete that makes task listing easy and quick. The only con of is it doesn’t have a calendar view.

Read: 10 Free Android Apps to Organize your Day


This is an effective to do list tool for Peoples who want to Keep Projects organized. todoist available for Chrome bowser, Gmail, Windows, Mac, Android and has clean layout and user interface. todist offers some useful plugins for Browser versions. But in order to use its full features you must upgrade it to Pro.


Todo7 is one of the most Powerful collaborative to do list and task manager. Available for Android, iOS and Web.todo7 offers wide range of tasks listing. With additional subscription you can use todo7 on multiple platforms.


It is an fun task manger that gamifies your life. Available on major mobile Platforms Android and iOS .the best thing about HabitRPG is you can use it with your friends and HabitRPG community. It’s still in development stages so it’s become slow and buggy sometimes. If you are looking for best apps to monitor your habits try HabitRPG.

14 Best Productivity Apps for Android And iOS HabitRPG


It is a Personality to do list that allow you to complete tasks in return for rewards. Using carrot is fun and its rewarding system help to finish tasks without has clean user interface and easy to use.

Read: How to Copy Emails from old Account to New Gmail Account

Pocket Lists

Pocket list is a feature rich task manager and check list for iPhone and iPad. You can set location and Time-based Reminders on Pocket Lists. With cloud sync option you can sync your list everywhere. Pocket list is a Premium app you need to pay $3.4 to download Pocket List.


Basecamp is a project management Application for tracking to do lists, Schedules and Files. Project managers find Basecamp useful it has elegant interface you can get a task status at a glance. You can store documents on Basecamp but if you store lots of documents the App may slow.


Asana Help users by Enabling Teams to work together effortlessly. Asana cut out email so you can finish tasks fast. You don’t have to Update meetings everyone one can see the latest update at a glance. The major con of Asana is you can’t Work Offline on Asana.

Rescue Time

Recue time is Chrome browser Time meter Extension that send weekly reports on where you spend most of your Time on you can monitor where you waste most of your also allow you to create custom Reports.

14 Best Productivity Apps for Android And iOS  Rescue Time


Toggl is a Time management Service it tracks the time Spent on different Projects. Toggle available on mobile, Desktop and Web. Fully integratable with Fresh books and QuickBooks.

Now Then

Now then is a iOS time tracking application that allow you to monitor what you spend most of your time is fast and easy to use .you can export your data. Now Then give you full control for hierarchy of tasks.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

What is Bitcoin and How Bitcoins Work

bit coin is an Online Payment System. It’s like internet money unlike dollars or Euros or yen.Bit coin is considered a decentralize currency. It means that a network of users control unverified transactions instead of a central authority like a bank or government.

it still works like real money one person pays another person for properties and services. However once money is exchanged the record of the transaction is publicly recorded on to a ledger known as a block chain. Other bit coin users known as miners verify the transactions in the block chain.

After a certain amount of transactions have been verified by a minor. That minor will receive newly minted bit coins for their work. And new bit coins will be added into circulation. Well there are currently more than 12 million Bit coins in circulation.

What is Bitcoin and How Bitcoins Work

The total amount Bit coins back and ever be created is topped over $21 million the creation rate is automatically halved every few years as more bit coins are added into circulation. This system Created after gold-mining makes finding new bit coins rarer as the number of available Bit Coins breaches the 21 million cap.

How to Increase Your Twitter Followers

So should you really need to convert all your money to Bit Coins. Not essentially while a few web sites such as read it word press and overstock have begun accepting Bit coins and Microsoft announced that they will use bit coin Payment system on their Products . But most major retailers have yet to take the dive.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

How to Spot Phishing Emails and Tips to Avoid Phishing Emails

Every day more than 500 million Phishing emails are sent by hackers. Every 60 seconds 300 computers are hacked. Phishing emails are major problem for Companies. Hackers Send Phishing Emails to get Users Personal information like username and Passwords, Credit card and Debit card Details, sometimes money. Hackers use many types of Phishing those are General Phishing, Spear phishing, Clone phishing, Whaling, Rough Wi-Fi and more.

What is Phishing

Hackers who send phishing Emails or malicious Programs called Phishers .they create fake Emails that appear to come from a trusted Bank or Credit card company, or a Website. These emails will try to trick you into giving your personal details like your username or password or Credit card and Debit card Details.

How to Spot Phishing Emails

They also try to get you to Install their malicious Programs on your PC. Which will happen while you browsing if you click on an infected link or open an infected file attachment. Once your computer is infected the Phisher can view all of your Activity. And they can take any information you stored on your computer.

Read: How to Copy Email from Old Account to New Gmail Account 

How to Spot a Phishing Email  

Phishing emails are sent from Public Email Addresses for Example

Phishing Email have Unreverent Attachments

Phishers use Generic greetings such as Dear User ,Greetings from paypaal

Phishing Email contain Spelling Mistakes

They have links to unrecognized website or misspelled name of famous websites (for example paypaal,netflics)

phishing Emails create Threats or Sense of Urgency like if you did not replay in 3 days your account will be deactivated.

Toll free Contact Numbers in Phishing emails does not match Known numbers.

What is Phishing Email

How to Avoid Phishing Emails

# Never Ever give your Personal information based on an Email request

# don’t trust Attachments or links from unreverent Emails

# Use Browsers that has Phishing Alerts Microsoft’s Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera.

# If you think an Email might be Phishing Email Don’t open any link on that message just hover over links to verify the links Original location.

# type a website address rather than using links from unreverent emails.

# always be suspicious of Contact numbers on mails.

# eliminate Phishing Emails Specialized Spam filters will reduce the number of Phishing mails. Email Address Authentication also Work.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

10 Best Android Applications of 2014

Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange has helped untold number people in an untold number ways across many topics. their official Android application takes a positive force that is stack Exchange and makes it mobile. if you're curious about pretty much anything then this is the application you should have on your Android device it's a great community that is run by the community and they do a pretty good job of it.

Download Stack Exchange 

All Cast 

All cast is an application that lets your Android device to communicate with a number of things such as chrome cast, Apple TV, Amazon fire TV, Roku, X box and many others. you can sync your personal content like photos and videos to your TV, Tablet and other devices. there's a free version to try out but the paid version removes the restrictions and gives you the Full experience.

10 Best Android Applications of 2014

Download All cast Android

Commandr for Google Now

Commandr is an application aims to make Google now more useful from a practical works offline allows you to do some other basic things like turn on and off things like Bluetooth Wi-Fi flashlight as well as setting volume, accessing Google play music playlists and more. if you have root access you can even reboot into recovery and clear your notifications. It is an unique application and all Google Now fans should check out this Application.

Download Commandr Android
Here Maps 

Nokia had a big year since they distance themselves from hardware and started focusing more on software. One of the most recent additions to their software lineup is Here maps. It has a great design offline mode and many of the same features as Google Maps such as the ability to explore things nearby, turn by turn directions and maps available in more than 100 countries

Download Here maps

10 Best Android Applications of 2014 here maps

Google Now Launcher

Google Now launcher was released earlier in 2014 and has become the way for people to get a stock Android feel on their Android devices without all the root and ROM stuff that many don't feel comfortable doing. It comes with built-in Google now support and a solid set of features and it's much simpler than OEM skin launchers and most third-party launchers. It’s very Google center but people who use this know that and use it for that reason.

Google Now Launcher

Read: 10 Best Android Games of 2014

Horizon Camera

It is a camera application that aims to do things from a different perspective. horizon allows you to produce full horizontal shots no matter how you hold your phone. it means you can hold your Phone in portrait or landscape anything in between. And the video comes out as you're holding it in landscape mode. Horizon correct the problem that many people don't know they have and does so in a unique in offensive way.

Download Horizon Camera


if this than that is called IFTTT and it help peoples to create connections between applications so many do something in one application it makes the other and do something else. For examples the ability to save a picture from Instagram uploaded to Google Drive automatically. The options are virtually limitless and it can save you a lot of time and effort. You can even find lists of recipes easily in Google to help get you started.

Download IFTTT for Android

10 Best Android Applications of 2014 IFTTT

Themer Launcher

Themer Launcher was in beta for really long time. but this year it was Released. Themer is unique because it is a Theme launcher with free themes. The themes you can choose your home screens are highly buried and quite enjoyable. All the teams are fully customizable and the themes are done by a talented community. And it is integrated with super widget if you want something truly different for a launcher give this one a shot.

Download Themer Launcher

10 Best Android Applications of 2014

Read: How to Copy Old Emails to New Gmail Account

VLC Player

After a long road of fixing bugs adding features VLC for Android has finally exited beta with version1.0 released in December 2014. the beta version was already popular but it should be even more so now but it's not beta plays video and audio files along with the number more unique features. That you'll find only with VLC. Those who search for a new media player should check this one out.

Download VLC Player for Android

Yahoo Aviate Launcher

Yahoo’s Aviate Launcher was originally done by app development start of that was purchased by Yahoo for quite a bit of money it features a redesigned homes screen set up with categories to organize your applications contextual features based on what time it is and your location.

Monday, February 16, 2015

10 Best Android Games of 2014

Broken Sword 5

Broken Sword 5 is an action adventure mystery game you must solve the crime involving a stolen painting and a huge features a strong story fun graphics and controls allow for truly engaging gameplay. Broken Sword 5 story takes place over two episodes which available as separate purchases. These games ratings are 4.5 and 4.6 out of 5 respectively. Download Broken Sword 5 from Google play

Monument Valley

Monument Valley was the darling of Smartphone gamers in 2014.the game featured brilliant optical illusions and the game is essentially a puzzle game that has you trying to find and figure out those illusion comes with a simple but dark story and unique colorful graphics.Download Monument Valley

10 Best Android Games of 2014  Monument Valley

Five Nights at Freddie’s

Widely known as the scariest mobile game of all time five nights at Freddie’s wanted to provide an experience unlike any other you play as a security guard who has to keep watch over pizza restaurant that is hunted at night by possessed animatronic robots. In order to keep being killed by them you must dress up like one whenever they see you. It’s creepy and it's brilliant Game.Download Five Nights at Freddie’s 

Read: 10 Best Android Apps to Increase your produtivity

Final Fantasy 6

Final Fantasy 6 was released earlier in 2014 as a remake. The Graphics and Touch Controls are improved. But storyline remained relatively unchanged. This is an RPG game with 35 to 40 hours of game play featuring an amazing story line. Along with some extra content like bonus dungeons, extra magic, extra items and more. It’s considered one of the best RPG tittle’s of all time and now it's on Android.Download Final Fantasy 6

10 Best Android Games of 2014 Final Fantasy 6


Fifa 15 is this year's mobile version of the popular football slash Soccer simulation game Developed by EA Sports.fifa15 features improved graphics and gameplay over last year's release fifa 14. As well as updated rosters and more stuff to do. it is true that EA sports is putting number in app purchases this title and that is a shame but there are a few sports games. Released this year they can compete with the complete experience That Fifa 15 provides. Download Fifa 15

Goat simulator

Goat simulator is a game that took over PC by storm. And ended much the same on Android in this game you play the totally realistic life of the goat as you fly around crashed through walls blow things up and cause general mayhem. the game singlehandedly brought back the phrase. Download Goat Simulator

Read: How to play Hay Day on your PC

Kingdom rush Origins

Kingdom rush origins is a tower defense game that is the prequel game to the original two Kingdom rush Games. This seems to applied all the holes that entire titles had as the game currently rocks in incredible 4.8 at a five-star rating in the Google Play Store. The game features new towers new bad guys and more fun.Download Kingdom rush Origins.

10 Best Android Games of 2014  Kingdom rush origins


République is unique game with a complicated story and great graphics the gameplay mechanics are unique in that you play as a hacker who jumped in various security cameras to help a woman from some dangerous peoples. It has 3 episodic adventure and you could purchase the other episodes as in app purchases.Download République at Google play

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic isn't RPG from the early 2000's from Bioware who also brought its recent game dragon age: inquisition. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic features a very long story complete with multiple endings based on how the player chooses to play. There’s also character customization support for third-party controllers and even achievements. The graphics in controls have been redone for mobile. Download Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic Android

The Room 2

Room two is a puzzle game that revolves around the strange fantastical. You play as an adventure who may solve a Range of puzzles and unlock things to progress to the next stage. Most items in most rooms are puzzles with an puzzles within puzzles and the clues can come out almost at anywhere it's a great brain teaser with some outstanding graphics and about the only problem is that it's pretty short but it's still really fun.Download The Room 2 Android.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

How to Secure your Facebook and Twitter Account from Hacking

Hackers are Smarter than us we need to secure our Social Accounts before someone hacks response to hacking internet companies introduced two step Verification. When logging in from unrecognized location or device the user need to enter a Security code that is usually sent to the users mobile phone.

Two Step Verification was first introduced by Gmail, so after that every large organization, introduced this feature. Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Dropbox and other major companies. Gmail is the best acts in matters of security Facebook’s security feature is specifically similar to Gmail.

Now I will explain how to how to implement the Two Step Verification on Facebook and twitter. It's very simple methods this will protect your account from being hacked.

How to Secure your Facebook and Twitter Account from Hacking

How to Enable Two step Verification on Facebook

Login Alerts

Probably you use Gmail’s Two Step Verification and Facebook’s Login Approval is similar to Gmail two step set up login Approval Go to Facebook Settings >Security >Login Alerts then Enable Get Notifications, Email login Alerts to your Email, and under Text messages enable “Connect your phone number”. Enter your Phone number and continue. Facebook will send you confirmation code to your mobile Enter the code and Confirm. Now when someone tries to access your Account from any unknown place or Browser Facebook will send you text Message.

How to Enable Two step Verification on Facebook  Login Alerts

enabling this Login Alerts will affect Apps that need your login information, such as Skype, Spotify, Xbox .to prevent this in security Settings choose App Passwords > Generate App Passwords a small window will pop up type the App name and select Generate App Password, Now Facebook Will Automatically Generate a Password.

Read: How to Delete Your Facebook Search history

How to Enable Two Step Verification on Twitter

Twitter Two Step Verification

After some high profile Twitter Hacks Twitter implemented the Two Step Verification in 2013. To enable two Step Verification on Twitter Click on a twitter Profile image icon, Open Settings choose Security and Privacy and enable “Send login Verification requests to my phone” if you didn’t verified your Email and Phone number you can’t setup Two Step verify your Email and Add Phone number to your Account.

Read:How to Get More Twitter Followers

Once you enabled two step verification, you need to generate a temporary password to access Twitter on other Devices, Such as your Smartphone, or someone’s Device. And also for Apps like Rebelmouse, Medium, and tweet Deck twitter will generate a temporary Password that will expires in an hour.

How to Enable Two Step Verification on Twitter

Delete Stored Location information

If you enabled location information for your tweets, Twitter will store that data. However if you don’t want to store your locations Data you can Delete Security and Privacy tab Find “Tweet Location” and Uncheck “Add a location to my tweets" and hit “Delete all location information

Twitter Phishing Schemes

When Phishing hackers try to trick you into enter their account names and on fake landing pages. Whenever you fill your login details. Make sure that login Page is part of twitter .some login pages will look trustworthy, however they are not related with the Page that they are representing. For Example .

Saturday, February 14, 2015

10 Google Products you Did't Know Existed

Google offers more than 100 features and tools that you probably don’t know. Useful tools and features like Google Dart, Full value of mobile, Google Correlate and more. Here is the List of 10 Google Products you Did't Know Existed.

1. Google Sky

It is part of Google Earth, in Collaboration with NASA Google Sky Help you to Explore Space and Stars. Google Sky Uses the Images from NASA’s Hubble Telescope.

2. Google Keep

Google Keep is an app available on Smartphones and is Similar to Evernote with google Keep you can create Notes, Voice memos, Reminder, to do List and Pictures. Google Keep is connected to Google Drive so you can sync your Notes From Pc to Android Mobile. Google Keep has Clean Easy to use interface Gives a Great user Experience.

10 Google Products you Did't Know Existed

3. Dart

Google’s Dart is a Programming Language. Google Developed Dart in the hope of Replacing JavaScript☺ in modern Web 2011 Google released Dart but it is still in Development Stages. With Dart google Aims to make Coding Easy and Simple. Thats why dart is designed to be simple Enough to learn it .

Google Dart

4. Google Fonts

Google Fonts offers Free Web Fonts. You can use them both personally or commercially .as of now more than 600 font families are Available at Google Fonts .if you are searching for open Source Fonts then Visit Google Fonts

5. Get your Business online

Googles’ Get your business Online help small Business to boost the local Economy Google helps Local business to get on the Web. The goal of Get your business online is get every local business in major Countries to the internet. This free Service also Offer 1 Free Domain Name and Webhosting for One Year.

Read Top 5 Google Inbox Features

6. Full Value of Mobile

This useful tool help you to find the Value of your mobile Site. Google Full value of Mobile allow you to Analyze from mobile sites to calls to cross device ability. You can view how the customers interact with the various aspects of your business.

Google Full Value of Mobile

7. Google Public Data Explorer

Google public Data explorer allow you to search through database Around the World including OECD, Eurostat, The World Bank, and United States Census Bureau. You can find all kind of data’s like unemployed rate, Energy production Rate, Government Gross Report and more. You can filter through Categories to make Graphs that lets you to view Data’s in Line Graph and bar graph.

8. Google Trends

Google Trends help you to find trending Searches around the world. View by date or browse by different categories top searches. And the Explorer Function allow you to Search a word and see how it trended over time and Location.

9. Google Correlate

Correlate is a part of Google Trends it allow the users to look at search trends by time. For instance search for “Sweater” and you will see number of searches increase during the winter months. The most interesting thing about Google Correlate is the search by drawing Option. If you draw a weird funny graph Correlate will give you Search words that match your Graph.

Google Correlate

10. Google Ngram

Google Ngram is an Interesting Tool lets you to Search Keywords in Millions of books available on Google books. So you can view how much a word has been used from year 1500 to 2008.

Read Useful Tips and Tricks for iPhone


Schemer is a mix of Social Event Planning and To Do list app. you can connect Schemer via google plus. After setting up Your Preferences. Schemer will offer some interesting things to do around your Area. With google+, you can join with your Friends and see who wants to do the Same Thing that you want to. However Google Discontinued Schemer for some reasons.

7 Useful Android Tips And Tricks

1. Android User Profile

If you are Sharing Your Android Mobile or Tablet with your Family members, you can create a Separate Profile for each Person. They can save Their Favorite Apps and Settings .you can enable this feature on Android 4.2 and Above .To Setup a New Android User Profile Open Settings Menu and Choose “User” then Tap on “Add User” or “Profile” then follow the on Screen instructions to add a new Account. You can grant access to your Personal Contents if you want.

7 Useful Android Tips And Tricks

2. Use Android Mobile as Pen Drive
If you don’t have a Pen Drive you can use your Android Phone as a USB Pendrive. Connect your Mobile to computer using USB cable. Now your phone will ask if you want enable the phone as a USB storage device. Choose yes and your Computer will show your device as Pendrive .

3. Android Speed Dial

If you have large list of Contacts it might take some extra time to make a call .if you add a Speed dial button on your Home Screen you can make a call in just one tap. to add a contact to Android home Screen on your home Screen Press and hold until a Menu pop up from there select shortcuts > Contact and Choose the contact you want to Add.

 Android Speed Dial

4. Android Owner Info

There is a Chance you might lose your Phone Somehow .if you are lucky the Person Who finds your Phone Wants to return it to you. However, how she/he Know who is the Owner of the Phone. You can Put your Name, Alternate Phone number, and Email Address on your lock Screen so that the person will know it belongs to you .and they can’t access to any of your other Contents on your Phone. To add your Details to lock Screen Open Settings Menu on your Mobile and Choose Security > Screen Security > Owner Info then Add your Information’s.

Read Android Lollipop New Features Tips And Tricks 

Android Owner Info

5. Stop Preload to save Data

Google Chrome Preload Feature is Very useful but when our Data plan is limited, we can easily get pass our Data limit. you can set Chrome to preload when its Connected to Wi-Fi .Open Settings Menu on Google settings select Bandwidth management from there uncheck the box near preload webpages to prevent them From loading on their Own.

6. Add Words to Dictionary

If any of you find it hard to type your Friends Name or if you use a Specific name Often you can add them to Phone’s Dictionary so you don’t have to type the Full word Every Time. Type the Word you want to Add to Dictionary and Press and Hold on that Word to add it to your Dictionary. So next time you type the words starting letters your Phone Suggest the Word.

Add Words to Dictionary

7. Monitor Data Usage
If you have Limited Data Plan, this handy Feature will help you to Monitor Your Data Usage and prevent you from using overuse of limited data. However this Feature only Available on Android lollipop Devices. Open Quick Settings by using the two fingered downward swipe and tap on your phone signal symbol. A new screen appear displaying the amount of mobile data you used .tap on the More Settings and now you can set specific data limit you are allowed to use you can also set usage warning for specific data limit for example if you have 5GB of data a month, you can set the warning at 4GB and the maximum limit at 5GB. Once you reach your maximum limit of 5GB of data usage, your phone will turn off all statistics.